Nawaz Sharif Reaction against Selectors | Imran Khan Accepted Failure | PDM and Asif Zardari

2020-12-23 44

#Reportersinsight #NawazSharifTweet #ImranKhan #QamarJavedBajwa #MaulanaFazalurRehman #BilawalBhuttoZardari #AsifAliZardari
Imran Khan admitted his goverance failure in last 2 years and said ministers should perform in next 3 years Nawaz Sharif reacted on Imran Khan failure acceptance What is Nawaz Sharif reaction against Selectors of Imran Khan What Imran Khan going to do with PDM and What Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa thinking to do with PDM and Imran Khan When PDM resign from parliament and submit resignations.